Surah Al Kahf (The cave)

Surah Al Kahf Read Online
Surah Kahf (The cave) is the 18th Surah in the Quran with 110 verses, This Surah has 110 verses, 1742 words, and 6482 letters with 12 Rukus, Surat Al Kahf is found in the 15th and 16th Juz of the Quran and is called Makki surah.
Benefits of Reading Surah Kahf
Surah Kahf, or The Cave, is a chapter from the Quran with numerous benefits for its readers. This surah is significant in Islamic religion and is often recited on Fridays. It recounts the story of a group of young men who seek refuge in a cave and emphasizes the importance of faith, patience, and trust in Allah. Reading and reflecting upon this surah is believed to bring blessings and protection to those who engage with its verses.
is said by the Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that a person who recites Al Kahf on Friday will remain protected from evil between two Fridays and a light (Noor) is created for him.
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Surah Kahf Verses | Surah Kahf Words | Surah Kahf letters | Surah Kahf Rukus |
110 | 1742 | 6482 | 12 |
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