
TOP 10 Countries Affected By CoronaVirus (COVID-19)

An infectious disorder that is caused by Coronavirus, transmitted from animals to humans. It has been declared as ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organization (WHO).


The outbreak started in December 2019 in Wet market of Wuhan, this city is located in Hubei, a province of China. The occurrence of coronavirus in some species of animals like camels and cattle is common but they rarely transfer from animals to humans, this virus transferred from bats but according to another study, pangolins are the suspected origin.

How CoronaVirus spreads

The most common way of transmission of the virus is ‘close contact’. The virus spreads when someone containing the virus coughs and sneezes on you, or if you touch the person who has the virus on his clothing and skin. 

The virus gets an entry through your mouth, eyes, and nose when you touch them.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a person with COVID-19 is most contagious when they’re showing symptoms.

Experts are not sure for how long the coronavirus can survive on the surfaces. But the survival time of the virus could range from several hours to days.

The moisture in the environment, room temperature, kind of surface can contribute to how long the virus can survive.

CoronaVirus Symptoms

The main symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath 

These symptoms occur 2–14 days after exposure to the virus.


Following preventive measures must be taken;

  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Use Sanitizers that contain at least 60% of alcohol
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose if your hands are not clean.
  • Cover the mouth with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay at a distance of 3 feet from the person who is sneezing or coughing.
  • Use disinfectants on stuff like laptops, phones, doorknobs and utensils etc.

COVID-19 Hit World

COVID-19 has shaken the whole world with its devastating effects, it affected around 199 countries. Above 620000 people are identified to be infected by CoronaVirus with more than 28000 total deaths all over the World. 

Top 10 Most Affected Countries:


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case of Coronavirus was identified on the 21st of January, 2020 in Washington state.More than 135,000  people are affected with CoronaVirus, out of which above 24000 people are in critical condition.More than 2500 people have died due to this virusMore than 4000 people have been recovered.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
First case was reported on 29th of January, 2020 More than 100,000 residents are being affected by COVID-19, out of which more than 3900 people are in serious condition.More than 10 thousand inhabitants have died.Above 15 thousand people are recovered.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case was discovered in Wuhan on the 10th of January, 2020More than 81 thousand cases are identified, out of which about 886 people are in a critical state.More than 3 thousand patients have died. More than 74 thousand patients are recovered. 


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
First-person affected by COVID-19 was identified on the 30th of January, 2020COVID-19 hit more than 80 thousand populationAbove 6 thousand people died in Spain.More than 15 thousand patients are recovered.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case was reported on the 26th of January, 2020Above 65 thousand people are affected by COVID-19Around 500 people died of this disease.Above 10 thousand people are reportedly recovered.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
On January 23rd, the first patient with Corona Virus was identified in France.COVID-19 influenced more than 40 thousand lives in France.above 2500 patients expired because of CoronaVirus. 7500 patients have recovered from this disease.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case of Coronavirus was identified on the 18th of February, 2020.More than 40 thousand cases are identified.Above 2500 deaths occur due to COVID-19.More than 12 thousand patients met recovery in Iran.

United Kingdom

First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case was identified by the end of the first month of 2020 (30th January)Up till now, 20 thousand above cases are reported in the UK In the UK, more than 1200 deaths are reported.135 patients have been recovered in the UK.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
First-person affected by COVID-19 was identified on the 24th  of February, 2020More than 14  thousand cases are identified in Switzerland.More than 300 people passed away due to COVID-19.Above 1700 patients are successfully recovered from COVID-19.


First occurrenceAffected populationMortality rateTotal recovered
The first case was reported on the 26th of February, 2020Around 10 thousand people have become victims of COVID-19 in the Netherlands.The Netherlands reported 800 above deaths in 2 months.above 250 patients are recovered in the Netherlands.


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